Indiana Community Action Poverty Institute Staff

Indiana Community Action Poverty Institute staff members develop expertise in a wide array of areas affecting working families. Please contact any of the staff members to request more information on the Institute's work.


Erin Macey, PhD 

[email protected]

Guide and support the Institute's research and public policy work to advance priorities related to:

Ashley Phillips, MPH, CHES

Community Needs Analyst
[email protected]

Lead research related to community needs & evidence-based policy and programmatic solutions.

Lauren Murfree, MPH, PhD 

Policy Analyst
[email protected]               

Lead research and policy advocacy efforts related to housing, health, safety net programs, and other related areas.


Deborah Fisher, M.Ed. 

Research Associate
[email protected]               

Support research efforts across multiple policy areas, including coordination of community interviews.


Zia Saylor 

Research & Communications Associate
[email protected]               

Support research efforts across multiple policy areas and lead communications development.


Sarah Conrad 

Policy Fellow

[email protected]               

Track legislation, support policy advocacy and community outreach, and contribute to research and communications efforts.

Roshawn Neal 

Policy Fellow
[email protected]               

Track legislation, support policy advocacy and community outreach, and contribute to research and communications efforts.