Good Jobs
Hoosiers consistently tell us that a top need in their communities is good jobs with higher wages and benefits. We promote public policies that establish basic wage and job quality standards. We research and advocate for policies that:
- Raise Wages
- Set Minimum Standards for Paid Sick Days Benefits
- Create Paid Family & Medical Leave Programs
- Provide Reasonable Accommodations & Promote Job Safety
- Offer Fair Scheduling
Featured Publications
Open Letter: Hoosiers Need Paid Sick Days
The United States is an outlier when it comes to paid leave. Nationally, policymakers have set no baseline standards for what employers should offer. And while some employers recognize that it is not to their benefit for sick employees to come to work for a variety of reasons – including that employees are less productive and could infect fellow employees and clients – far too many still do not. | BLOG POST
One Fair Wage
The tipped minimum wage in Indiana is $2.13 per hour and the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.. Wage floors like the minimum wage and tipped minimum wage are intended to ensure a minimal amount of protection to those who work in the lowest wage jobs in our economy, but these wage floors are so low that in every county, even a single adult cannot meet their basic needs without the help of public or private assistance. A solution to this is one fair wage. | POLICY BRIEF

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