Get IN-VOLVED: Politics 101 Challenge
We designed a ten-week challenge series to help Hoosiers get to know a little more about their elected officials and the policymaking process! Participants receive weekly, bite-sized challenges via Zoom/video to learn when and how they can participate in the legislative process, how to use tools like the iga.in.gov website, how to write and place op eds, and other strategies to make their voices heard. Completing the weekly challenge successfully enters participants to win a gift card.
Our next challenge series will launch on January 6th, 2025!
Work with the Institute on Civic Engagement
Would you like to boost civic engagement in your community, group, class, or organization? Contact us to discuss partnering with the Institute to design an interactive workshop or challenge series to meet your goals!
Tell your Lawmaker about a Priority You'd Like Them To Support
You don't have to wait to make your voice heard. Speaking up on an issue is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Find your state lawmakers.
- Learn how easy it is to make a call to your state lawmaker with this 3-minute video!
- Make the call! If there isn't a specific bill on the issue you care about or the legislature is not currently in session, you can still reach out. Let your lawmakers know what issue you'd like them to support or work on and why. You can also request an in-person meeting to talk through an issue you care about in greater detail.
Thank you for getting involved!
This program is made possible thanks to the support of the Indianapolis Foundation, a CICF Affiliate.