Work Sharing: A Win-Win-Win Strategy for Avoiding Job Loss
Work sharing is a voluntary and cost-equivalent alternative to traditional unemployment benefits. It is being used in more than half of all U.S. states and is credited with saving nearly a half-million jobs that would have otherwise been lost due to the Great Recession.
Work sharing is a win-win-win strategy and has wide bipartisan support.
- It benefits the state by mitigating further job losses.
- The employer benefits by reducing the high costs associated with turnover and maintaining continuity within the firm.
- And the employee benefits by maintaining wages and reducing the effects associated with long-term unemployment.
Legislative Activity
Testimony Before the Interim Study Committee on Employment and Labor In Support of Work Sharing | PDF | Video Presented by Derek Thomas, Senior Policy Analyst, August 27, 2014
Response to 2013 Summer Study Work Share Questions | PDF Presented by Derek Thomas, Senior Policy Analyst, September 30, 2013
Testimony Before the Unemployment Insurance Oversight Committee Summer Study Supporting Work Sharing | PDF Presented by Derek Thomas, Senior Policy Analyst, September 30, 2013
Testimony before the House Committee on Employment, Labor and Pensions Supporting HB1288, Work Sharing | PDF Presented by Derek Thomas, Senior Policy Analyst, February 19, 2013
Work Sharing News